
Steven McCarty Launches Re-election Campaign

Emphasizing Commitment to Community and Progress

Washington, DC – Today, Steven McCarty announced his campaign for re-election as Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner for 2G04, driven by a deep-rooted commitment to service and community building.

With a proven track record of delivering for Washingtonians, Steven has been a devoted advocate through initiatives with the Kiwanis Club of Washington, D.C., focusing on youth, children, and families, resulting in the SMYAL Youth Champion Award in 2022 for his unwavering support of queer and trans youth. Recognized for his volunteerism at local and national levels, Steven also serves as a Director on the Friends of 10th Street Park Board, where he has played a pivotal role in enhancing community spaces and fostering neighborhood pride.

Commissioner McCarty has championed enhanced government accountability, transparency, and policies to improve municipal services like parking enforcement, ABCA licensing and enforcement, and trash pickup services. During his current term as Commissioner, Steven McCarty has been instrumental in achieving tangible improvements, including:

  • Partnering with DDOT to complete overdue sidewalk repairs on 10th Street NW, deterring illegal parking in 2G04 alleyways, limiting traffic in Blagden alley, and implementing traffic calming at 10th St and Massachusetts Avenue NW. 
  • Working with DPW to keep streets clean and trash cans empty, restoring trash pickup service to constituents, and making sure businesses maintain their properties.
  • Organizing community-building events like Blagden Alley Pride, Blagden Alley Community Day, as well as traffic safety and public safety walks.

Reflecting on his journey, Steven stated, "As a servant leader, I firmly believe that the primary purpose of government is to care for the well-being of its citizens and to faithfully deliver on its promises. I am committed to ensuring that our government works diligently to address the needs of all members of our community, regardless of their background or circumstances. Together, we can create a community where everyone has the opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential."

As he seeks re-election, Steven McCarty invites residents to join him in shaping a future where D.C. thrives as a safe, vibrant, and united community. For more information and to get involved, visit Steven McCarty for Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner at or follow Steven McCarty on social media.

Contact: Steven McCarty for Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner 


Phone: (202) 670-3537


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